Kaliyuga: The Dark Ages - Official Trailer



Video Youtube

Kaliyuga: The Dark Ages is an open-world game which player can explore, hunt, fight, interact etc. This game is based on a novel titled “Garuda Riders” by Adhicipta R.W, which the story has strong Indonesian culture background in it.

The game’s main story revolves around Taragaja’s quest to save the world from Kaliyuga (dark ages) by collecting Hasta Brata element which 2 of them owned by Valli, she is a giant tree who is cursed by her own power. The game is set a millennium after the last Kaliyuga events and takes place in the fictional Archipelago of Bumi Varadwipa. During the game, player will go through main quests while discover new weapon, armor & magic skill. The game will be open-world so other activity other than main quests is possible like exploring, hunting, arena fighting & interacting with peoples.

This game will be released on steam as soon as possible. To keep updated about this game you can visit this forum: https://blenderartists.org/t/kaliyuga…

Powered by: UPBGE 0.2.3
Music by: FesliyanStudios


Environment Artist & Director:





Character & Property Artist:




/ ihsanfs1

Teks dari Youtube

In the age of Kaangar the world was surrounded by gods lads filled with chaos carried by the rocks saw. But then comes the Sat of Hasan, the chosen night will bring the light darkness.

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